CivilizASIAN: A Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Gala

Saturday, January 25th, 2025
1:30-6:00 p.m.
Pittsburgh Playhouse

This year, the Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center (PCCC) proudly presents CivilizASIAN – an American Lunar New Year Gala, produced and directed by award-winning violinist, producer, and director Sean Gao. As the Trustees Distinguished Professor of Violin at the University of Delaware and founding Artistic Director of the internationally renowned Master Players Music Festival, Mr. Gao brings an exceptional vision to this year’s gala, elevating it to a new level of East-West fusion. Known for his innovative approach, Mr. Gao has assembled a cast of world-renowned artists, including the 6-WIRE World Music Ensemble, Erhu Master Cathy Yang, celebrated Peking Opera artists Junqing Li and Yong-Hong Jia, creative magician Eric Chiu, and a roster of instrumentalists, vocalists, and dancers from both Chinese and Western traditions. With a state-of-the-art technical team managing lighting, sound, scenic design, costumes, and makeup, the 2025 Greater Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Gala promises an unforgettable, culturally rich celebration like no other.
国际大型艺术活动策划和制作人高翔先生担纲本台春晚的总策划和总导演。此届春晚大伽云集,东西合璧。他们包括以多元化著称的美国6炫爵士/世界乐团(6-WIRE);美国新音乐剧【上海奏鸣曲】的百老汇剧组演员Xiaoqing Zhang;Neal Mayer; Jonny Lee等;擅长中文演唱的花腔女高音歌唱家Juliet Petrus;钢琴演奏家Matt Brower 博士;大提琴演奏家大型活动策划李波Bo Li先生纽约魔术大师邱庆中先生;京剧名家贾永红女士和乾旦(男旦)李骏青先生;二胡独奏家杨悦女士;活跃在国际舞台上的假声男高音Augustine Mercante;著名古琴及琵琶演奏家周懿女士;多才多艺的现代歌手及音乐剧演员薛艺茗女士;多媒体音乐会制作人莫滨瑞Brian Mo先生;助理导演高瑞雪来Topaz Gao小姐;舞美设计石珺然Charlotte Shi小姐等。
合作单位包括了美国特拉华大学名家音乐季University of Delaware Master Players Concert Series,匹兹堡大东亚语言文学系,卡耐基梅隆大学语言文化及语言学系。
匹兹堡本地的艺术团队如匹兹堡中华文化中心艺术团,燕来舞蹈学院,海华青少年乐团,杨瑾国乐团,黄小波腰鼓队,匹兹堡中文学校,CMU舞团,捲龙中国武术馆,咏春武馆,歌手许筱婷女士,CMU学生四重奏团Tartan Quartet,双赢功夫等也将倾情出演,和您一起过大年!