La Roche University


Colleges & Universities

About Us

La Roche University offers a career-focused education to prepare students for success in today’s competitive workforce. Majors include both high-demand fields and creative disciplines.

Rep/Contact Info

Brady Butler
Associate Vice President, Marketing and Media Relations
Christina Clark Ph.D.
Mark Dawson
Professor, Accounting and Finance
Marie Deem
Dean of Academic Support Services
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Yvonne Hill
Coordinator of Career and Professional Development
Julie A. Makuta
Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Life, Conferencing Services
Hope Schiffgens
Executive Director, Enrollment
Brandi Stretavski
Director of Advising and Assessment/Student Academic Support Services
Dr. James (Chip) Weisgerber Ph.D.
Vice President for Enrollment Management
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Gina M. Work
Executive Assistant to the VP for Enrollment Management