2025 PNRC Educational Foundation Scholarship Application

Submission Deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025
Your Name
Mailing Address
Parent/Guardian Information
Mother/Guardian Name
Father/Guardian Name
Academic Information
The school district that serves the area where you live.
The name of the school that you attend. Schools can include public, private, parochial, charter, magnet, virtual, boarding or homeschooled.
Guidance Office
Please provide the contact name, email and phone number for you assigned guidance counselor. We will be contacting them to request GPA verification and school ranking.
Guidance Counselor
School Athletics, Clubs & Organizations
List activity name, years participated & offices held or awards received
Community/Volunteer Activities
List type of activity, organization name, length of involvement and number of hours served per year
Work Experience
List employer, length of employment and job title/description
Institutions to which you have applied
List institution name, if you have been accepted, proposed field of study and if it is a two or four-year program.
Declaration Statement
Detail top 3 ways you demonstrate leadership, community engagement & work ethic.
Essay | File must be in .DOC, .DOCX or .PDF format
Answer the following question and upload document below. Response should be limited to 500 words. How do you foster, build & nurture connections & relationships in your community?
Use this field if you have notes about your responses to the above questions